Monday, July 17, 2006

CrossPit workout 7/17

Here you go, A...the workout was:

4 rounds
20 box jumps
20 wall ball
shrimp across mat and back

puppies reps=19 and use short box. Pack use tire or big box. Big Dogs use 20" box.

I took 23:40 to do it with 10# ball and 20" box. Prolly should have done the shorter box...oh well. I straightened all the way up before stepping down.

(full class description later after it is posted on BX forum)

Friday, July 14, 2006

Brand X Thrusday 6:30pm - Return of Satan

2 rounds of

200M run
KB swings 1-->10 (Breathing Ladder)
200M run
Pull Ups 1-->10 (Breathing Ladder)

Pack and Big Dawgs, only difference is weight.
Puppies work from 1-->7

Breathing Ladder: Hold breath for 1st kb swing/pull up, take one breath and immediatey start the set of two, holding breath through set, then take two breaths, start 3 rep set holding breath until complete then take 3 breaths...and so on and so on and so on.

29:49 - Breathing all sorts of messed up. I think I was able to get to 4 reps of KB's after I figured out how to do the long breaths. I think the most number of pullups I got without breathing was 3.

This is obviously a skill we need to work on.... ugh.

Monday, July 10, 2006

CrossPit - 7/10/06

Arlene, you totally kicked ass on that workout:

It was quite possibly the worst/best workout yet. I thought the chelsea version was bad but Becks Burpess suck @ss. ;)

10 rounds of
1 minutes to do Kettlebell swings, BecksBurpees across mat, Situps (BD=9, Pack=7, Puppies=5 for KB and Situps) If you finishe under one minute rest until the minute is over.
1 minute of heavy bag work at full intensity and power. No resting during this minute.

This was as Arlene pointed out 20 minute of unadulterated, uninterupted HELL. I think Russell was the only one who got a few seconds of rest during the non fighting interval and he coached A the entire time.

Arlene: I love you, Russ.
Russ: We love you guys!!! *referring to CrossPit girls*

That was horrible, I went out side and I actually cried tears then went to sit on the box where Jason saw me trying not to faint. He said I did a good job. ugh. I could only finish one full set of the non fighting rounds. In other words, I was still doing becks burpess for most of the rounds when Jason called time.

Warm up was run 3 laps for speed, because order of finish determined burpees reps to do when you came in.
Skills were before the workout: Front Kick to horizontal target. Blocking kicks with shins and forearms.

Yeah, we need shin guards. REALLY!