Wednesday, August 30, 2006

the RockPile - elbow-knee escapes.

I went over to the RockPile, Darby Darrow's BJJ dojo, because Darby had offered to show me the elbow-knee escapes (how to get out of a mount), last friday after the arm-bars seminar at Brand X. After the seminar, he'd shown me the way to escape a person pinning your arms down and then he kindly asked me if I knew the elbow-knee escapes you could you to escape a mount.

So anyway... I could hardly wait to get to the rockPile to check it out. Email from Darby: "You're not coming all the way over and not train!" Lucky I had my gear with me.

haha. He showed me the proper way to bow into the dojo, asked me to dispose of my gum and showed me around the small box where he teaches classes to adults and young people on Mondays and Wednesdays in his garage. He does that to spend time at home with his family while still training people in BJJ.

The garage had pull up bars built by the Assassin, cargo nets, plyo boxes and out back, Darby has built his own climbing wall. Very nice studio.

He showed me to first elbow knee escape with me as dummy, then he showed me with air-dummy...then he had me on the mat with Ian dummying. We did the first 2 escapes a few times then he threw in the third and then had Ian randomly do the mount tech that required a different EK escape that matched. Then he threw the fourth one in and we then practiced more me figuring out which escape was appropriate.

At 6:30 it was time for the kids class to bow out and the 6:30 class to bow in, so I waited while Darby did the first part of his class. He then asked me the trademark, what is one thing you will take away with you and I said, for the elbow knees start with the simplest and easiest escape and if that doesn't work move to the next progressively as each one is more difficult and takes more effort to execute.

I had to go and I bowed out and went on my merry way. I plan to go back next wednesday for the 7:30 adult class.


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