Monday, July 23, 2007

CrossPit - 7/23/07

Warm up: Run 2 laps (400M), inside defenses, then tagging shoulders, knees and elbows. Then a warmup game: elimination knee and shouldter tags...if you get tagged on a knee or shoulder it can't be used any more and if all your shoulders/knees are tagged out, go to side of mat and do squats until only 1 student is left in.) Stretch.

Drill - Partners alternate starting this sequence: A does a double leg takedown, and B does not resist, falls down, and allows A to take the mount. Once mounted, B then escapes the mount using the buck, trap and roll, and ends up in A's closed guard, from which he then escapes using base and posture, and stands up once breaking guard. Reverse A and B until time is called.

Skill: Defend Right punch with inside defense and right knee.

Workout: An old "favorite"

6 rounds of
1 minute of sprawls, pushups and squats
1 minute of punches on the heavy bag

Big Dawg: 7 sprawls, 12 push ups, 17 squats / Hard Fast Punches
Pack : 5, 10, 15 / Hard punches
Puppies: 3, 6, 9 / Shadow Punches for form

Drill: Non-cooperative work on escaping the guard. One partner is in guard adn attempts to escape while his partner tries prevent the guard from being broken. Work until escape is successful or until switch is called.


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